Book Review: The More of Less by Joshua Becker
Of all the many voices and messages in the modern minimalism movement Joshua Becker’s The More of Less rises to the forefront. This book not only delivers a practical guide to owning less and leading a more meaningful life, but delves deeply into the joy and freedom that come from a minimalist lifestyle.
I was first introduced to minimalism by Colin Wright and The Minimalists and embraced the message and movement years ago. I constantly seek to discover the most meaningful influences in my life and remove the things that distract me from them. I write this review midway through a challenge of no purchases for 90-days.
I found tremendous value and insight in this text. Even as someone who fully embraces and lives minimalism, Joshua’s perspective and guidance challenged me to face even tougher questions about how I spend my time, money, and energy. I consider myself relatively mature in my minimalist journey yet Joshua’s insights added fuel to my flame and pushed me to grow ever further. My favorite practical guidance came from the Maintenance Program chapter. No matter how firmly we belief in the value of minimalism, without a strategy and vigilance to maintain, the cluster always finds a way back in. I have implemented many of this maintenance strategies. My favorite is to keep a bag in my closet for cloths to donate. I put items that I do not wear often in the bag. If I do not miss them by the end of the month, I donate them. This is a modification of his strategy to keep a box for “junk” items next to the trashcan for items you suspect you will not miss.
The More of Less not only gives practical guidance and motivation to those of us already minimizing. Joshua offers plan to easily begin your minimalism journey. He outlines a beautiful process of beginning with the easy things and gathering momentum as you begin to the feel the value from the early stages. His offers personal beginning (and difficulties) with minimalism as motivation and to inform his guidance that will help you to begin for yourself.
The greatest value that Joshua’s words offer are in his discussion of the philosophy, purpose, and meaning of minimalism. This is what truly sets his text apart. He not only wants to help you own less, but to “find the life you want.” He blends ancient wisdom from many philosophical and religious traditions with modern applications to deliver a unique brand of minimalism.
I fell in love with Joshua’s words and message on his blog and I feel honored to receive and review an early copy of this book. The More of Less surpassed even my lofty expectations. Joshua’s message - shared here, his many other books, and at - comes from a place of genuine compassion for his fellow human. He truly wants to help you live the most meaningful life possible.
Whether you fully embrace the minimalism movement or you are just exploring for the first time, The More of Less will bring immense value to your life.
Disclaimer: I received an advance copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. I applied for the advanced copy despite the fact that I had already pre-ordered the book months ago. I find tremendous value in Joshua's work and wanted to offer all of the support I could for his most recent offering. I will give my copy to the first person to asks for it. Please comment or contact me directly. Thank you.