You are what you eat.
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
- Jim Rohn
I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Said in so many ways, by so many brilliant thinkers. The message always the same.
We are the product of those influences we choose to surround ourselves with. We are composed of all forms of consumables of which we choose to partake.
So much of our world views made up of the experiences we choose. So much of our "original thought" influenced by the people we associate with and the media we read, watch, and listen to on a daily basis. So much of our physical health made up of the foods we eat and the daily routines we follow. And so much of our mental, emotional, and spiritual health influenced by all of the factors above.
With so much of our composition intimately tied to our surroundings and choices, the most profound decision we can make for our well-being is to increase our proximity to positive influences.
A Lack of Proximity
Let's first take a look at the outcome a lack of proximity to positive influences can have. We needn't look further than inner cities (or even the worst part of our hometown) to see that individuals with less access to information or positive influence typically accomplish much less. While there are always inspirational exceptions, the norm for people who come from impoverished beginnings is to accomplish very little in the ways of improving their economic standing.
Those who do rise from humble beginnings typically have some strong positive influence in their life. Whether they seek out a center or group that provides support, read a certain book, or find a strong mentor in their life, some factor initially alters their course.
The highest achievers, by however you choose to define success, are surrounded with influences that motivated them to become who they are.
Regardless of our upbringing many of us feel a lack of proximity to resources to help us make desired changes in our life. If the people closest to you do not align with they type of life you want to live, consider the following:
- You may want to rethink your peer group and try to surround yourself with at least a few people that will support you in your journey.
- Fear not, it has never been easier to surround yourself (online and in print) with they type of people and influences that will lead where you want to go.
Increase Your Proximity
We live in amazing times. Your connection to motivational and uplifting people and the content they produce has never been greater or easier to access.
Most of us recognize that the Internet has guidance to offer but we struggle to find what we are looking for.
If you have found your way to my humble corner of the Internet you (are either family or a close personal friend or) align with my thoughts on a life well lived.
My primary goal for this website is to create a place full uplifting resources to guide you to positive change. I'm working to create a carefully curated collection of my original thoughts and the types of resources that have inspired me to become who I am.
To those who have found The Wandering Coach for the first time, welcome, I'm so glad you've found the site and read down this far into your first post. To those who are returning, welcome back, I'm overjoyed that you found enough value or intrigue in your previous visit(s) to return for more.
If my words and thoughts resonate with you I encourage you peruse the blog and podcast archives.
Check out my Reading List and Recommended Media to see the resources from which I have drawn the most inspiration.
If you haven't quite found exactly what you are looking for I encourage you Contact Me. I love to engage with people about making positive changes in their lives. Perhaps your questions will even be the topic of a future essay.
Finally, I am developing an personal online coaching/mentorship program to help individuals who deisre guidance in making positive changes in their lives. More details to come but know it will launch in the coming weeks and will be a free service until there is a proven record of overjoyed participants. If you are interested in being one of the early participants (free of cost) please get in touch.
Thanks for reading and look forward to engaging with you.
- Justin