It has been quite some time since I've published here. This is not for lack of writing or love for this site. It has been a whirlwind 6+ months and I've been immersed in the experience to the detriment of frequent publishing. No more.
Here's a brief recap:
In early August 2017, I moved to Wellington, New Zealand. In late November 2017, I returned to CA, having successfully retrieved Marika from across the Pacific. We purchase a van with 10 days of returning state-side and immediately began converting it into our next home. We finished that process in March and have been traveling full-time for over two months. Both the build and travels are documented here. We have been bouncing from one climbing area to the next: Joshua Tree, Red Rock Canyon, and finally to the Eastern Sierra Nevadas. After 6+ weeks in Lone Pine and Bishop, we've decided to call Mammoth Lakes home. We both began working this week and declared even more permanence through opening a PO Box. Somewhere along the way, I took a massive fall in Pine Creek and will share the (decidedly excessively long) story immediately after publishing this update.
A New Project
I have recently teamed up with my philosophical brother, Shane Trotter. Shane and I first met when we invited me for an interview on the Breaking Muscle Podcast. We immediately discovered how deeply our core values align and we have recently teamed up on a joint writing venture at The site is committed to (as the name implies) human development. We each produce abundant fitness-related content at Breaking Muscle and have teamed up on this new project to share our views on the broader aspects of living a meaningful life. You can see my first piece here. I cannot recommend Shane's articles more and suggest you subscribe to get new content every Tuesday and a short tidbit every Friday.
Most of my IHD articles will also be published here.
The Archive Project
Our decision to lay down roots and the recent spark of excitement from my new writing partnership have led me to recommit to my writing and publishing practice. I am always writing, but I go through phases when the motivation to share ebbs. This usually results from one of two extremes: I am too immersed in exciting experience and fail to share immediately and/or my insecurities kick in during the short window between completion and publication. In either case, once a little time passes, the thoughts feel less poignant or relevant and I decide not to publish.
I have an archive of 30-50 "finished" articles (and countless partial pieces) from the last 5-6 years. I revisit them from time to time and, like old photos, my reactions range from cringe to nostalgia to a sheepish smile of how adorably naive I was.
I have never liked how easily I shy away from the discomfort of publishing. I am going to embark on a project rooted in growth and vulnerability. I will post most of these buried articles, unedited except the obvious typos, and include the original writing date with a short commentary of where I was in life and how I feel about the expressed thoughts now. It will be called The Archive Project.
Much More...
There are many more exciting changes on the horizon for Marika and I but I will refrain from discussing them here. I prefer to reserve this feed for my written works rather than a stream of updates. I justify this deviation from the typical essays of more curated thoughts because all of these updates relate to my writing.
I maintain the Now page on this site talk about what I'm up to currently. You can also check out my personal Instagram (@coachjustinlind) and our travel/vanlife Instagram (@super.human.things) to see what sort of adventures I'm getting up to.